Monday, January 24, 2011

The Couch to 5K program is designed to have it's participants "train" 3 times a week. I'm doing so on Mon., Wed. & Friday evenings. Each week you alternate the times you spend running and walking. On week two we jogged for 90 seconds and walked for 2 minutes. It sounds easy and for those with decent cardio, it probably is. However, for those of us who never do anything for more than 6-7 minutes at a time (I blame attention deficit disorder. Pretty certain my life would have been totally different if someone had force fed me Adderall as a teenager) and as a result do have less than optimal cardio, its a bit of a challenge. By the last two rounds of 90 second jogs I felt like I was an 80 year old asthmatic. Ok, maybe not quite that bad, but there was a moment when I thought my legs were going to collapse and at least one lung might explode. Being the quitter that I am I tried to convince myself the sensation in my legs was due to some sort of nerve damage and I really probably ought to stop or I might injure myself. The good news is I had this delusional conversation while staying in motion. I did not stop. Go me. 

It's Monday which means the first of this weeks 3 day sessions will start this evening. It's also the first day of week 3 and, unlike last Friday, I'm not really looking forward to it just yet. As the day progresses, maybe that will change. Maybe it will but, I did a self defense class this weekend (will talk about it in another post) which left my body so sore and I'm wildly hormonal. Tonight's session could be exciting.  A little pain, toss in a few wild hormones and its a recipe for a bitchfest. Regardless,  I'm doing it. No quitter talk. Wow. While I am not typically a negative person, the rah rah thing has never been my particular forte. It feels weird just typing, "no quitter talk." 

Anyway, week 3 requires that I run for 90 seconds (fabulous, I can do that), walk for 90 seconds (excellent, I'm a pro at that), jog for 3 minutes (Um, excuse me?), walk for 3 minutes (totally confident I can do this part) and repeat for a total of 20 minutes. Fortunately for the children in the park all that walking/jogging keeps me too out of breath to swear. Rather, it keeps me too out of breath to swear loudly. I still manage to sort of hiss swear from time to time. And scowl. I probably look like the meanest person at the park. I've managed to relax my body while I run, but not my face. That's the next goal: Not only will I run for 3 minutes, but I'll do it without a scowl. It could happen.

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