Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This evening was day 2 of week 3. When I went out I was feeling a little angry. The anger had nothing to do with running. A topic had been brought up that forced me to remember a few things I'd rather not think of. I was simply frustrated with life. 

As some people know, my life has been upside down and topsy turvy for the past 1 1/2 - 2 years. What set the chaos into motion wasn't my fault, but I'm certainly to blame for the current stasis. Anyway, for me that's what this 5K thing is partially about (mostly about?) -- trying to move forward and become unstuck.

So I was angry, but I ran and step by step the anger ebbed. No problems were solved, no epiphany was experienced, but as I moved forward the directionless, pointless frustration slowly drained out of me. I don't want to sound too ridiculous or overly dramatic, but in the rhythm of my footfalls and sound of my breathing I found release.

Trying to move forward figuratively and literally, while necessary, can still be a little scary, but it can be liberating too. Running this evening, even in my short 3 minute bursts, liberated me. Next? Literal liberation. I'm curious to see how long that will take and in what form it will manifest.

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