Friday, March 4, 2011

Better, but not great

While yesterday's run went better than I expected, it wasn't as good as I had hoped it might be. My pace was better than on Tuesday, but not as good as I would have liked. I've been told my expectations are a wee bit high. I can't help it. I want more and better from myself...which is sort of odd. I am competitive, but normally I'm a pretty laid back/go with the flow kind of person. I'm not sure where these expectations for myself are coming from. 
Other than my right leg muscle my body felt fine during the run and I recouped really quickly. Rather, everything but that right leg muscle recouped quickly.  This is the second time this muscle has given me a tough time. While running it starts to annoy me. For the first 20 minutes post run its down right uncomfortable. The discomfort is in the area at the top of my right thigh where my leg meets my torso. Would that be considered a groin muscle? Should I ice it, use heat, not run till it's gone, stick to my routine, drink wine before my run?  Ha. I just dunno. I would like to avoid aggravating it further so if you have any recommendations, pass them along.
At least the weird toe pain is gone and hasn't returned.

03/05/11 A follow up-- no leg pain today!! Only did 2.6 miles in 28 minutes (grrrrrrrrr), but at least the upper leg muscle left me alone. I'm starting to suspect it has something to do with incline. When I have to run up even a small incline I definitely feel it more.

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