Friday, April 22, 2011

Sweat and Tiaras

A fellow blogger, Maggie, Click here and Read her. Just do it., mentioned in a recent comment that she would be running the February 2012  Disney Princess Half Marathon in Orlando and asked, "Wanna join me?" Given the way my hip/leg has been feeling, its hard to imagine being able to run for 13 miles, but its not till 2012 and all kinds of healing and good things can happen between now and then.

She said we could wear tiaras. l am not that kind of girl and neither is she, but the idea of running a Princess Half in a tiara delights me. I have this fabulously comical image of myself a few miles into the run. You see,  I am not a pretty runner. I get sweaty. I do not glisten like a proper lady. Rather, I drip sweat blobs.  I also get red faced. In fact, I can get so red faced I cause alarm to those who see me. My hair goes all fly away and by the end of a half marathon I imagine I'll move in a wobbly motion at best. Now, pull up that visual -- sweat blobbing every where, red face, hair wild, wobbly-- and put a tiara on that image. 

That's my motivation to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon because I'm weird and weird things inspire me. Maggie, I have yet to actually see you. If we do this thing, I hope you'll look just as bedraggled as I know I will. If you're one of those barely sweat, never look good people, I'm NOT RUNNING WITH YOU!


  1. LOVE this! I'm that kind of runner too...the not pretty variety. Except my face turns more purple than red and I've had people scream at me "OMG ARE YOU BREATHING!??!"
    My 5k is this morning. Bundle of nerves!! Trail run in the woods after 3 days of rain and thunderstorms and more storms today. YIPPEE!!!

  2. Sarah!! Yeeeeeeeeeeee! Sending good vibes your way! Please post and let me know how it goes. Hope the rain stops for you and you enjoy the moment!! So excited for you!

    I don't even know what else to say! It was brutal. THE HILLS! THE MUD! THE SWAMPY TRAIL!
    But I did it and ironically enough, can't wait to run again! (Maybe not THAT 5k though!) :)

  4. A friend of mine asked me to run the Tinkerbell Half in D'land here in CA -- it's a chick race and she's a girl. I'm a dude though.

    I can't believe that I'm actually considering it. :D

  5. Sometimes at the end of a normal workday, I look sweaty, bedraggled and out of breath. And I have a desk job! It's part of my charm.

    We're gonna do this thing, it's gonna be freaky awesome, and we're gonna make ourselves so stinkin' proud! 13.1 ... here we come!

  6. Oh, and d (as in dude) ... run it! This will be the first ever Tink Run. Disney races aren't cheap (it's Disney, after all) but they know how to make a race complete awesomesauce. I have dear friends who have done several Disney runs, and they love 'em. I have a feeling if you do the Tink, you'll be damn glad ya did. You won't be eligible for awards, but other than that, dudes are totally welcome!

  7. Sarah!! You did it, holy hell and all :) That's freakin' awesome! So, wanna head to Orlando in 2012 and join us in our tiara wearing bedraggled majesty?
    Maggie is right D, DO IT! :-)

  8. I'm running the Dland half-marathon in September and will probably wear my Mickey ears - the gold 50th anniversary ones :) Also considering the Tinkerbell half in January as I have a few friends who are doing it. Only drawback to that one is the tshirts are only made for females. Any ways running in tiaras should increase the fun factor for the half and I know it will help you finish the race.

  9. Maggie, freaky awesome sums it up, I think. I'm seriously thinking I might be able to pull it off. If my leg cooperates, I'm IN!
    Safety, YAY for wearing the Mickey ears. haha. Love that. If you run the Tinkerbell half, be sure to wear something appropriate and take pics to share with us ;-)
