Thursday, February 17, 2011

Birthdays and Crazy Talk

If we stay on track and if we do not have to repeat any days (so far, so good) we'll complete the couch to 5K program on my birthday. That wasn't planned and didn't factor into our start date in any way. For me, it's just a really cool, happy coincidence and a pretty awesome birthday present.

Last Friday we ran 20 minutes. This week we've alternated our run/walk time and tomorrow we run for 25 minutes. 25 Minutes. We're going to need all the good vibes you can toss our way. Start sending them so we can start storing them. It's so odd. The numbers/times still freak me out and yet earlier today, when I saw a marathon bumper sticker, I thought: If I can run for 3 miles (mind you, I haven't YET) surely I can run for 5 miles and maybe once I run 5 miles, I can just keep going. 

What the hell kind of crazy thought is that? I have yet to complete 3 miles and I'm thinking of 5? 5 is still in the distance, but I'm either insane or audacious enough to think of running even further?

I had to come back and add this link to 10 Best Marathons for First-Timers that popped up on my Facebook page shortly after my original post. As I said on FB, "Coincidence? I think not." And while I really do believe a full marathon is out of the question for me, I think it's possible that one day I might pull off a half marathon. I like the looks of the one in Arizona.

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