Friday, February 25, 2011


Yesterday lethargy stole over me. I had to make myself get up and do normal, routine things. That evening I played tennis and was able to run all over the place, but by the time I got home and had a bite to eat I was dead tired again. I went to bed early and got up early to play tennis again. In the 3rd set I felt all my energy drain. I wasn't even picking my feet up very well at that point. Had we not stopped I probably would have tripped myself. 

Over the past month I've stepped up the number of times per week I play tennis and our run/jog times have increased. I suspect my body is finally rebelling against the repeated requests for extra energy output. And likely I'm not taking in enough calories to compensate for all the calories burned. 

*disclaimer* if one person glibly suggests I eat a hamburger or have some cake, it's likely I'll hunt you down and beat you mercilessly. 

I don't eat much meat, no fast food (evil, fat making empire) and I'm trying to reduce the amount of sugar and processed foods I consume. Surprise, surprise! The healthier your lifestyle and the healthier you eat, the more you have to eat. That sounds great, but at a certain point I'm full and I don't want anymore. I love food, but I've never been able to consume large quantities. I'm a grazer and to intake the calories I need, I have to graze all the time.

I'm not complaining. I'd rather have my hummingbird metabolism than have to wrestle with the challenges of a slow one, but today I'm tired and annoyed that I managed to drop a pound when I've been trying to gain a couple. 

*second disclaimer* if anyone says anything like, "I wish I had that problem!" I'll likely hunt you down and beat you mercilessly too.

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